Library of a College or University is an essential part of contributing to the scholarly pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.

Guidelines for the use of the Library:

  • The library remains open on all working days from 10:30 am to 5:00pm.
  • Only the staff and students of the college and persons with special permission of the principal may use the library.
  • Every student is required to enrol himself/herself in the library after producing an identity card duly signed by the principal showing his class and roll number. Library cards will be given to the borrowers and only on production of the said card they can borrow.
  • Borrowers must examine the condition of the books are issued to them, otherwise they will be held responsible for damage if discovered later, in such cases the borrowers shall be liable to a fine or replacement of the books.
  • No books should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the library staff and unless it has been properly issued.
  • Books should be returned within the stipulated period allowed. For the student borrowers the time limit is 15 days whereas maximum two months for the member staff and for those who are specially permitted by the Principal. The student borrower who fail to return the book/books within the time specified have to pay a fine of 10 paise per day till the expiry of 30 days or a month from the due date of return. When it exceeds one month a fine of Rs. 5/-, per book will be levied.
  • All the library books shall be returned by the staff concerned who proceed on study leave.
  • When the date of return of book falls on a holiday, it should be returned to the library on the next working day. If the borrower keeps the book in his or her possession for more than the time allowed, an additional fine will be imposed including late fees. No more books shall be issued to him or her till the books issued are returned and the late fee paid. In extreme cases the privilege of using the library may be denied to such person.
  • All library books in possession of the borrower should be returned to the library before the college closes for a long vacation or before the date notified for the purpose. No staff and students will be allowed to have book in his/her possession during the summer vacation in which the stock is verified annually.
  • Whosoever has a library book in his/her possession should return to the library whenever he/she received requisition from the librarian for the return of the book.
  • All the library books have to be returned before a student fills up the form for the University/Council Examinations and clearance is to be obtained to that effect.
  • A book one issued to a borrower may be reissued to him/her, only when nobody else wants to take the book.
  • Reference books, Maps, Atlas, University Calendars, periodicals, course of study, question papers are not to be issued for use out of the library without special permission from the Principal. Books on specific subject will be issued only to the teaching staff and students of the concerned departments.
  • Although all the books in the library are available for authorized users, the Principal has the right to stop the issue of any book to all or some intending borrowers. Text books will no cases be issued to anyone except the member of the teaching staff of the subject concerned.
  • A person who uses library is expected to be conversant with the library rules and there will be no excuse for the breach of any rule.
  • Fines/cost recovery relating to library are to be deposited at the college counter and the money receipt should be presented before the Librarian for verification.
  • When a member of the staff is transferred from the college, he/she shall return all books borrowed by him/her from the library and sectional library and obtain a clearance certificate from the Librarian and the Head of Department concerned before making over charge.
  • In case of transfer of the employees or students the documents like L. P. C., T. C. and Mark Sheets will be issued unless a clearance certificate is received from the librarian.
  • In case of retirement of an employee, Financial benefits like sanction of G. P. F. or final withdrawals, pension papers will be held up unless the clearance certificate is received from librarian.
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